We are pleased to announce that we received another generous grant, Microsoft Azure Research Award (USD $20,000 market value) from Mirosoft. The proposal were submitted by Mehdi Bahrami and Mukesh Singhal from UC Merced Cloud Lab.
This contribution will help support DCCSOA which is a cloud computing architecture based on SOA. DCCSOA alleviate issues associated with standardization and customization. In the cloud, DCCSOA uses a single layer, called Template-as-a-Service (TaaS), to provide:
(i) a single service layer for interaction with all resources and major cloud services (e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and *aaS);
(ii) a standardization for existing services and future *aaS across different cloud environments;
and (iii) a customizable architecture which can be modified on demand by a cloud vendor, and its partners to provide the flexibility on cloud computing systems.
We are truly grateful for this wonderful gift from Microsoft.
Mehdi Bahrami and Mukesh Singhal, "DCCSOA: A Dynamic Cloud Computing Service-Oriented Architecture", 16th IEEE International Conference on InformationReuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2015), Aug 13-17, San Francisco, IEEE, 2015.